About me

Hi I am Juliana

I’m currently pursuing a dual degree in General Management and  working as a Data Analytist, where I delve into the world of business and data-driven insights. Alongside my studies, I work as a waitress in the gastronomy, which keeps me grounded and connected to the joy of working with and for people.

Besides riding and exploring new places, I love cooking and baking, especially experimenting with new recipes. Reading and relaxing are also key parts of my downtime, helping me recharge before my next adventure

On this blog, I share my bike journeys, tips for petite riders like myself, and the beautiful routes I've discovered. You'll also find posts about photography, my creative sketches, and a few things about traveling.

Let's connect! whether you're a fellow rider, a creative soul or just someone who loves to explore, join me on this journey. There is always something new to discover

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all

Helen Keller

Award Winning Author